Knowledge to Practice- Safe Sanitation in Uganda

The Challenge

In 2015, 2.4 billion people still lacked access to basic improved sanitation facilities while 663 million people depended on unimproved drinking water sources and 844 million had no access to any water source (UN, 2015). Moreover, of the 2.1 billion people that gained access to improved sanitation during the MDGs, only 40 percent used safely managed services (treated excreta).The lack of safely managed sanitation is the reason for the persistence of preventable waterborne diseases that are prevalent in most developing countries. In order to achieve safely managed sanitation as defined in the Sustainable Development Goal targets, it is crucial that sanitation planners understand what pathogens are present in excreta and wastewater and they have access to the scientific data to support decision-making, policy development, the development, implementation and evaluation of projects, as well as for advocacy purposes. This access to scientific knowledge can only be possible if there is a bridge between science and practice that provides readily accessible, easily understandable, easy to use and relevant data for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practitioners.

Project Overview

The goal of the Knowledge to Practice (K2P) project is to develop user friendly tools to help improve data accessibility, and knowledge translation around pathogens in excreta and sewage. Specifically, we are developing apps and visualization tools that can help to improve evidence-based decision making and to better inform safe sanitation and water safety planning by stakeholders at different levels. The Water-K2P project seeks to provide incremental improvements over existing approaches to sanitation safety planning to allow for better control over health outcomes.


Modelling rotavirus concentrations in rivers: Assessing Uganda’s present and future microbial water quality

Authors: Daniel A Okaali, Carolien Kroeze, Gertjan Medema, Peter Burek, Heather Murphy, Innocent K Tumwebaze, Joan B Rose, Matthew E Verbyla, Sowed Sewagudde, Nynke Hofstra

Publication date: 2021/10/1
Journal: Water Research
Volume: 204
Pages: 117615
Publisher: Pergamon

Area of Research

Funding By

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation



Team Members

Innocent Tumwebaze

Partners and Collaborators

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation of Uganda
Michigan State University
San Diego State University
Wageningen University

